
Showing posts from June, 2022

Comments on APS CIP FY23

 First email to (Just opposing the CIP with ACC) Good morning, Last summer, I appreciated when the School Board wisely decided to not include significant funding for building on the Career Center site in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). I was concerned to see that a planning process for this site started up a few months ago, but was hopeful that more planning work had been done that I was unaware of. Unfortunately, it seems that APS still does not have a long term plan. We do have capital needs. Some of our schools are widely known to be in serious disrepair - Hoffman-Boston, Swanson, Barcroft, for example. Other schools have facilities issues that impact the daily life of students and staff - unworking HVAC, bathrooms that don't work, water quality issues.  So I was extremely concerned that APS has proposed a CIP that spends the majority of its available capital funding for the next decade on the Career Center while leaving these basic facilities need...