Feedback for 1901 N. Moore St. – RCA Site: Due 1/13/21

 Feedback for 1901 N. Moore St. – RCA Site:

Due 1/13/21

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project in the heart of Rosslyn.  I applaud the thoughtfulness that has gone into the building design. I want to comment on three areas: (1) the need for protected bike lanes in both directions on 19th Street North and North Lynn Streets; (2) the need for convenient and safe parking for cargo bikes and bikes, scooters and other micro-mobility vehicles that use e-assist; and (3) the need for an elementary school in this area.

First, both the new 19th Street North and North Lynn Street 1 - 19th and Lynn will see vehicle volumes that necessitate protected bike lanes under the NACTO guidance.  Thus, these streets should provide protected bike lanes in both directions.  Failure to do so would be inconsistent with the Bicycle Element of the Master Transportation Plan.  It would also mean that more people on bikes will choose to ride on the sidewalk for their safety, making the route less safe and comfortable for pedestrians. It would undermine smart school transportation policies that Arlington Public Schools is trying to establish by making it harder for children to bike to school or to a school bus stop or transit stop that will take them to school. 

According to the Sector Plan, 19th St is expected to eventually connect directly to the Mt Vernon Trail which will generate additional bike traffic.  The only eastbound low-stress bike facility called for in the Core of Rosslyn Study is the Custis Trail.  Due to the 1-way nature of the future Lynn St PBL, having multiple east-west connections in Rosslyn is important so that people can get over to Ft Myer Drive to travel north.  The Core of Rosslyn study specifically notes that protected bike facilities on 19th are not feasible until "additional space can be integrated into the street cross section through redevelopment".  This development is our only opportunity to "right-size" the right-of-way on 19th St to allow this critical bicycle facility, do not let is pass us by.

On Lynn Street, this project will shift space that is currently used for public mobility to part of the building.  Car parking that currently sits on private land will be moved to burden public land.  In 2021, Arlington should not be dedicating any more public land to private vehicle parking.  Instead, this space should be used to provide a southbound protected bike lane, keeping bikes and scooters off the heavily used sidewalk.  

Second, an increasing number of people are using cargo bikes, ebikes and other micro-mobility with e-assist, like escooters, to get around Arlington.  This trend is great - it means more people can get around without the damage and dangers that accompanies car trips.   This development should support this trend by offer convenient and secure parking for these vehicles, including charging for e-assist.

Finally, Arlington desperately needs a public elementary school in this area, as demonstrated by the recent elementary school boundary process.  This development project is directly across from Gateway Park, which could create an opportunity to have play space.  Instead of using above-ground space for parking, would it be possible to use some space in this development for an elementary school?  Please work with APS to investigate the opportunities here.


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