APS Long Term Planning Before Career Center Development

 To: "School Board, Arlington Public Schools" <school.board@apsva.us>

Dear Members of the School Board,

Last summer, in response to broad community outcry, the School Board wisely decided not to spend the vast majority of APS's capital budget on development at the Career Center site without a long term plan that outlines the system-wide needs over the next 10 years.  

I was disappointed to learn that APS is moving forward with a process - for the second time - to plan development on the Career Center site without a long term plan.  The plan seems to be to include this project in this summer's CIP, using up most of the available capital dollars. This is the tail wagging the dog.

APS needs a long term facilities plan. The pandemic has reduced the student population enough to give us some time to develop this plan. This plan must address school buildings that are in disrepair and school property that is under utilized. That long term plan should guide APS's CIP.

I am sympathetic to the fact that the Career Center site needs certain facilities as soon as possible. However, temporary facilities located on the current parking lot could address those needs. For example, a structure similar to the Gunston Bubble could serve as a gym. 

Thank you for your time and your service.


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