Comments to NPS on MVT/GWMP EA Scoping

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Fix the Memorial Bridge Choke Point Now

The section of the Mount Vernon Trail under the Memorial Bridge is unacceptably narrow - it is not wide enough for people to pass each other going opposite directions, which should be seen as an embarrassment. NPS should install a temporary fix in the near term, by extending the one-lane section of the north-bound GW Parkway, which currently runs from just north of the exit for the Memorial Bridge to just after the crosswalk connecting the MVT to the Memorial Bridge. NPS could extend this one lane section for an additional 1/4 mile, to end just north of the Memorial Bridge. What is now the right lane could be separated from the remaining lane with jersey barriers and the trail could be routed to use that space. This could be a near term solution that would immediately improve safety on the MVT, while having an minimal impact on Parkway traffic. The EA must include a permanent fix to this issue.

Widen the Trail to 16'

The EA Scope should include widening the trail to 16′ feet wide on the north end to allow for separate spaces for people walking & for people biking. This will reduce conflicts and account for current use as well as future growth for the next 50 years. Around Gravely Point, the EA should include building the "Gravely Point by pass" - a separate trail that routes along the southern and western borders of the Gravely Point park, which will allow people biking to stay away from people recreating in the park and watching the planes (see below). The EA should consider widening the portion of the trail from Haul Road to Jones Point Park to 11′-14′ to account for heavy use in this section. The EA Scope should also include establishing unpaved trail on the trail edge with crushed gravel or a similar material which would allow a softer surface for runners and walkers and also protect the trail edge from becoming overgrown. The scope should also in widening of the narrow segment of sidewalk in Lady Bird Johnson Park connecting to the Memorial Bridge.


The lack of maintenance of the MVT trail today leads to crashes and degrades the user experience. The EA should include a clear maintenance plan to include:

1) regularly scheduled removal of vegetation encroaching trails, connectors and sidepaths, including vegetation encroaching the TR Bridge sidepath from TR Island;

2) removal of snow and ice in commuter-heavy sections of the trail, including Rosslyn - 14th Street Bridge;

3) removal of root heaves that create bumps on the trail; and

4) a process for the public and neighboring jurisdictions to reported problems.

Trail Connections

The EA Scope should establish standards for the locations where the Mount Vernon Trail connects to other trails that:

1) ensure that the through path for the MVT is clear and has priority; 

2) connections are clearly marked;

3) the required turns can be made safely and by all bicycle types, including long-tail bicycles, box bicycles, and bicycles pulling trailers.

As an example, the current trail connection to the TR Bridge (I-66) meets none of those criteria. Moreover, the wooden bridge south of TR Island is extremely dangerous - far too many people biking crash on the required turn because the wooden surface is unexpectedly slick.

Planning Should Take Into Account Upcoming Projects

Neighboring jurisdictions have a number of plans that will increase foot and bike traffic on the Mount Vernon Trail and, in some cases, require new connections to be built. The EA should take these into account, including:

1) Arlington's plan to build a boat-house at TR Island;

2) DC's plan to widen the side-path on the the TR Bridge;

3) The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority's plan to build a new bridge for people walking & biking in conjunction with the new Long Bridge for trains;

4) Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)'s current project rebuilding the Boundary Channel Drive-I-395 interchange, which includes a new trail connecting northern Crystal City and Long Bridge Park more directly to the MVT; 

5) Arlington's plan to build a "CC2DCA" bridge, which will connect Reagan National Airport and mid-Crystal City more directly to the MVT; and

6) Arlington and VDOT's transportation demand management plans for National Landing, which plans for a shift in transportation modes towards biking and walking.

Straighten the Trail 

The EA Scope should include straightening of curves on the trail and bridge surfaces. Obscured sightlines at curves is a leading contributor to crashes and injuries on trails. The majority of crashes on bridges have also occurred where bridges curve such as Bridge 1, Bridge 3, Bridge 4, Bridge 27, Bridge 28 and Bridge 31. Bridge Further the EA Scope should include realigning the trail at spots that are prone to frequent flooding such as spots north of Memorial Bridge, Daingerfield Island and between Jones Point and Belle Haven Park. The EA Scope should also include realignment or mitigation of areas where water seeps have caused ice conditions on the trail such as between Memorial Bridge and Bridge 30A and in between Bridge 17 and the Old Stone Bridge. The EA Scope should also include building a connecting trail on the current desire path from the north side of Memorial Bridge to the Mount Vernon Trail.

Fix the Crystal City Connector Chokepoint

The EA Scope should include widening of the trail on the Crystal City Connector. Both are currently trail chokepoints that only allow traffic one way at a time. The narrow underpass requires trail users to be uncomfortably close to cars while navigating a narrow passage. The EA Scope should include reconfiguring car access from the Parkway at Fort Hunt to utilize only the northern access ramp. This reconfiguration would allow for dedicated and separated space for trail users who are currently routed on to the road through the underpass at Fort Hunt.

Prioritize Trail Users at Crossings

The EA Scope should include prioritizing trail users at intersections by giving trail users right of way, installing raised crossings, installing high visibility crosswalks and signage, narrowing crossings, realigning crossings to occur at 90 degree angles and installing paving markings indicating a trail crossing. The trail crossing at the airport exit ramp is particularly dangerous and the crossing at the Daingerfield Island Marina is also a high conflict area.

Crossing the Parkway 

The EA Scope include installation of crosswalks at all places on the southern Parkway where there is an intersection with another road. The current scope indicates that some intersections will not have a crosswalk because the connecting street does not have sidewalks, however walkers, runners and cyclists still cross the Parkway at these locations and crosswalks will improve safety and access to the Mount Vernon Trail. The EA Scope should include crosswalks on both sides of the intersection for Parkway crossings to avoid placing people on bikes in a head on conflict with oncoming traffic. The EA Scope should also include construction of connector trails and curb cuts that will connect users to the crosswalks across the Parkway.

Bikeshare & Scooter Stations 

The EA Scope should include siting of future Capital Bikeshare stations and collection points for shared scooters colocated with rest areas at Columbia Island Marina, Daingerfield Island, Belle Haven Park, Peter F. Webster Memorial Area, Fort Hunt, Riverside Park and the Mount Vernon Estates. The Bikeshare stations at TR Island and Gravelly Point are among the most used in the system and allowing for future expansion increases access to the trail. Scooters are too often abandoned on the trail when they run out of battery - the EA should include a plan for clearing those off the trail at regular intervals.

Parkway Barriers

The EA Scope should include addition of barriers at spots where cars have repeatedly left the Parkway and crossed the trail or where risk is high that a car leaving the Parkway would result in fatal injury. The north end of Bridge 30A experiences a car crashing off the Parkway and crossing the trail 1 to 2 times per year. The area north of Humpback bridge has experienced two cars leaving the Parkway, crossing the trail and crashing into the Potomac in the last 3 years. The section of trail from the Smith Boulevard underpass north to the trail access to National Airport has only 10 feet of grass buffer in multiple sections leaving no protection for trail users if a car leaves the Parkway.

Headlight Glare 

The EA Scope should include solutions such as barriers, trail realignment and vegetative screens to prevent headlight glare from the Parkway that blinds trail users heading southbound between TR Island and the Merchant Marine Memorial and between Gravelly Point Four Mile Run Trail.

Rest Area Facilities 

The EA Scope should include establishment and rebuilding of trailhead facilities at all current rest areas. Restrooms at Columbia Island Marina and Daingerfield Island Marina are in similar condition to the Belle Haven Restroom which is currently included in scope. The EA Scope should include reconstruction of rest areas with durable concrete and include installation of frostless water fountains that can operate year round, new benches, information kiosks, modern bike racks, bike fix it stations and historical and cultural interpretation. The EA should also include installation of additional concrete pads and benches particularly on the southern portion of the trail.

Gravelly Point Bypass 

The EA Scope should include construction of a bypass at Gravelly Point to separate the conflict between trail through users and users of the park. This bypass has been included in multiple NPS planning documents. The Scope should include providing a solution for cars that are driving over the trail to park in the grassy area north of the Gravelly Point parking lot on most weekends in the Spring and Summer. The Scope should also include providing accommodations for the food trucks that currently obstruct sightlines where the trail crosses the parking lot access and create generator noise and exhaust. The Scope should also include establishing a paved area for individuals watching plane landings at the Park to safely step off the trail and view from.

Signage, Trail Markings and Counters 

The EA Scope should include establishment of signage throughout the trail. Signage should include signs at all entrances to the trail indicating users are entering the Mount Vernon Trail. Signage should also include wayfinding at all intersections. Signage should also include on trail mile markers every tenth of a mile to aid emergency response on the trail. The EA Scope should include installation of reflective trail striping and use of reflective fogline striping at trail curves. The EA Scope should also include installation or repair of trail counters at all entrances and exits to the trail and at Gravelly Point and Belle Haven Park.


The EA Scope should include installation of Dark Sky compliant lighting at locations with low levels of ambient light such as near TR Island, south of the 14th St Bridge and north of Old Town. Lack of lighting is frequently cited by trail users, particularly women & kids, as a barrier to accessing the trail after sunset.

Vegetation Restoration 

The EA Scope should include tree planting to replace several mature trees lost along the trail. The EA Scope should also include establishment of native plant meadows that encourage wildlife and pollinators.



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